The unit will investigate how transparency emerges in the disclosure practices of globally influential fashion entities, representing a discourse community that reaches across spheres of operation and communicative settings. On the corporate level, the fashion sector contributes significantly to world exports and employs millions of people. Thus, transparency remains an ongoing concern relating to financial aspects but also to social issues, such as the environment, work conditions, diversity, and animal welfare, as highlighted in the Fashion Transparency Index 2020. Starting from established fashion brand databases, a corpus reflecting disclosure practices of leading international brands will be compiled (e.g. annual reports, earnings presentations, CSR reports) across timeframes for diachronic insights into how such texts are evolving to satisfy an increasing demand for transparency among stakeholders and the general public, with particular attention to the use of innovative digital affordances. The linguistic, discursive, pragmatic, intercultural, and multimodal features of the corpus will be analyzed to explore their role in communicating an image of transparency. On an institutional level, a complementary corpus containing transparency-related texts (e.g. diversity/inclusion reports, sustainability statements) of global fashion media companies will also be compiled and analyzed. Indeed, fashion media have a vital function within the discourse community, given the aesthetic and innovative nature of the fashion product. This will enable comparative insights between corporate and institutional actors in the fashion sector.