Conference presentations


Corrizzato, S. & Franceschi, V. Verona Unit: state of the art and current research. Year 2 – First results and future developments, Modena, 23 febbraio 2024.

Crawford Camiciottoli, B. The language of sustainability communication: A comparative analysis of fashion brands vs. fashion media. AILA 2024, Kuala Lumpur, 11-16 August 2024.

Falcone, M. & Iori, I. Investigating transparency in public transportation on social media: the case of TfL and MTA on Instagram. Year 2 – First results and future developments, Modena, 23 febbraio 2024.

Ferrante, F.  Examining Pharmaceutical Industry Discourse: Insights from Press Release Headlines. Year 2 – First results and future developments, Modena, 23 febbraio 2024.

Gatti C., Cecilia Lazzeretti, C. & Irsara, M.  Transparency in online texts on detoxing. Year 2 – First results and future developments, Modena, 23 febbraio 2024.

Hartle, S., Marongiu, M. A., & Zaupa, F.  Transparency in English Language use: focus on developing learners’ reading and writing skills. Year 2 – First results and future developments, Modena, 23 febbraio 2024.

Jimenez, J. M. & Ruffolo, I. Fair and fast fashion? A content and linguistic analysis of gender equality in CSR reports. The 11th Inter-Varietal Applied Corpus Studies (IVACS) Biennial Conference, University of Cambridge, U.K.16-17 July 2024.

Jimenez, J. M. & Ruffolo, I. Stakeholder engagement in Fast-Fashion CSR communication: A look into Inditex and GAP Inc. Communicating Sustainabilities, City University of Hong Kong, 27-28 June, 2024 .

Piga, A. A Longitudinal Analysis of Transitivity and Ergativity in the Rhetoric of Saras’ Sustainability Reports. Year 2 – First results and future developments, Modena, 23 febbraio 2024.

Poppi, F. Navigating Corporate Emission Disclosures: Balancing Opportunity and Environmental Integrity. AILA 2024, Kuala Lumpur, 11-16 August 2024.

Sezzi, A.  EnterTrainment for children: transparency and railway companies’ online educational resources. Year 2 – First results and future developments, Modena, 23 febbraio 2024.


Bondi, M. & Turnbull, J. The transport industry and the environment: legitimizing or promoting its activities? CLAVIER 2023, Framing Nature: Discourses of Nature and of the Environment, Milano, 22-24 novembre 2023.

Bondi, M. The role of vague language in assessing transparency: a case study. ABC Regional Conference “Re-thinking and Re-mediating Business Communication: Continuity and Evolution”, Naples, Italy, 12 – 14 January 2023.

Caruso, A. & Ruffolo, I. What if nature fought back? Multimodal metaphor in green non-profit/social advertising (Panel: Ecological Discourse: Theoretical, Methodological and Thematic Perspectives), 31st AIA Conference, Future Horizons: New Beginnings in English Studies, Rende, 13-16 September 2023.

Caruso, S. The shift towards sustainability: metaphors in the fashion industry.  PRIN2020TJTA55: State-of-the-art and future developments , Cagliari, 9 giugno 2023.

Cavalieri, S., Corrizzato, S., Franceschi, V. Building consensus on climate change: the language of diplomacy in media interviews. 44th ICAME Conference, 17-21 May 2023, North-West University, South Africa.

Crawford Camiciottoli, B. & Caruso A. Journey towards sustainability: metaphors in the fashion industry. CLAVIER 2023, Framing Nature: Discourses of Nature and of the Environment, Milano, 22-24 novembre 2023.

Crawford Camiciottoli, B. Framing sustainability differently: A corpus-assisted analysis of the communications of fashion brands vs. fashion media. CLAVIER 2023, Framing Nature: Discourses of Nature and of the Environment, Milano, 22-24 novembre 2023.

Crawford Camiciottoli, B. Lezione magistrale: Il linguaggio della trasparenza nei report di sostenibilità: aspetti teorici e metodologici. Giornate del Dottorato, Dottorato di Ricerca in Discipline Linguistiche e Letterature Straniere (DiLLeS), Università di Pisa, 16 febbraio 2023.

Crawford Camiciottoli, B. Project Overview /Using corpus tools to analyse the linguistic expression of transparency in sustainability reports in the fashion industry. ABC Regional Conference “Re-thinking and Re-mediating Business Communication: Continuity and Evolution”, Naples, Italy, 12 – 14 January 2023.

Crawford Camiciottoli, B. The shared language of transparency: A corpus-assisted analysis of sustainability reports in the fashion industry. (Symposium on “Social cohesion at work: shared languages as mortar in professional settings”), AILA World Congress, Lyon, France, 17-21 July 2023. Lyon 2023 pre-recorded highlights

Denti, O. & Giordano, M. Shades of transparency in the rhetorical appeals of energy sector disclosure practices. ABC Regional Conference “Re-thinking and Re-mediating Business Communication: Continuity and Evolution”, Naples, Italy, 12 – 14 January 2023.

Denti, O. Sustainability and Environmental Reporting in the energy sector. CLAVIER 2023, Framing Nature: Discourses of Nature and of the Environment, Milano, 22-24 novembre 2023.

Diani, G. & Turnbull, J. All onboard: Diversity and inclusion in the sea transport industry. Languaging Diversity Conference (LD2023) “Languaging identities in changing times: Challenges and opportunities”, Turin, Italy, 14 -16 December 2023.

Di Cristofaro, M. Data collection, corpus creation and analysis. Details, remarks, questions. Calabria Internal Group Meeting. Rende, 20 settembre 2023.

Di Cristofaro, M. CommTran Fashion Corpus: issues and opportunities.  PRIN2020TJTA55: State-of-the-art and future developments , Cagliari, 9 giugno 2023.

Di Cristofaro, M. The transparency of contracts: a corpus-assisted study for a semi-automated
evaluation of transparency in the tertiary sector
. ABC Regional Conference “Re-thinking and Re-mediating Business Communication: Continuity and Evolution”, Naples, Italy, 12 – 14 January 2023.

Diani, G. & Turnbull, J. How cruise and ferry operators communicate about safety at sea. ABC Regional Conference “Re-thinking and Re-mediating Business Communication: Continuity and Evolution”, Naples, Italy, 12 – 14 January 2023.

Facchinetti, R. & Cavalieri, S. Disclosing information on health issues to a global audience in broadcast interviews. ABC Regional Conference “Re-thinking and Re-mediating Business Communication: Continuity and Evolution”, Naples, Italy, 12 – 14 January 2023.

Facchinetti, R. The (re-)shaping of English discourse in video-mediated broadcast interviews with diplomats: a corpus-based analysis. 44th ICAME Conference, 17-21 May 2023, North-West University, South Africa.

Fois, E. Communicating sustainability on social media: the case of energy companies. CLAVIER 2023, Framing Nature: Discourses of Nature and of the Environment, Milano, 22-24 novembre 2023.

Fois, E. On communicating CSR through social media.  PRIN2020TJTA55: State-of-the-art and future developments , Cagliari, 9 giugno 2023.

Giordano, M. In the spirit of care and empathy: Cultural parameters in corporate website design (Panel: Business Communication and the Digital World at the Intersection), 31st AIA Conference, Future Horizons: New Beginnings in English Studies, Rende, 13-16 September 2023.

Hartle, S. Transparency in Foreign Language Teaching (FLT): focus on receptive skills and learner text navigation.  PRIN2020TJTA55: State-of-the-art and future developments , Cagliari, 9 giugno 2023.

Incelli, E. Framing the energy transition and the clean green paradigm. A phraseological approach. CLAVIER 2023, Framing Nature: Discourses of Nature and of the Environment, Milano, 22-24 novembre 2023.

Incelli, E. Communicating Uncertainty in Clinical Trial Reports. 2nd International CIRLaM Conference on Communicating medical science in the digital age: culture, knowledge, expertise, practices, University of Campania, Luigi Vanvitelli, 25–27 maggio 2023.

Iori, I., & Falcone, M. Exploring diversity and inclusion in Transport for London’s Instagram: A corpus-assisted multimodal analysis of social actors. Languaging Diversity Conference (LD2023) “Languaging identities in changing times: Challenges and opportunities”, Turin, Italy, 14 -16 December 2023.

Jimenez, J. M. & Ruffolo, I. Disclosure of fast fashion companies’ green practices: trendy or trustworthy messages? CLAVIER 2023, Framing Nature: Discourses of Nature and f the Environment, Milano, 22-24 novembre 2023.

Lorenzetti, M. I. Transparency and Political Discourse: The Case of the American Presidential Debates. PRIN2020TJTA55: State-of-the-art and future developments , Cagliari, 9 giugno 2023.

Malavasi, D. & Nocella, J. Doing the locomotion: aspects of trust and transparency in railway communication. ABC Regional Conference “Re-thinking and Re-mediating Business Communication: Continuity and Evolution”, Naples, Italy, 12 – 14 January 2023.

Malavasi, D. & Nocella, J. Diversity, inclusion, and transparency in rail companies’ CSR reports. Languaging Diversity Conference (LD2023) “Languaging identities in changing times: Challenges and opportunities”, Turin, Italy, 14 -16 December 2023.

Marongiu, M. A. Building the CommTran Energy Corpus: practical issues. PRIN2020TJTA55: State-of-the-art and future developments, Cagliari, 9 giugno 2023.

Marongiu, M. A. But we aspire to more. To be a true front runner. Metaphors in environmental discourse. A corpus-based analysis of corporate websites (Panel: Business Communication and the Digital World at the Intersection), 31st AIA Conference, Future Horizons: New Beginnings in English Studies, Rende, 13-16 September 2023.

Marongiu, M. A. Environmental sustainability in corporate discourse: a multimodal analysis of Italian energy companies’ web pages. CLAVIER 2023, Framing Nature: Discourses of Nature and of the Environment, Milano, 22-24 novembre 2023.

Mocini R. & Fenice, A. The ‘E’ in pharmaceutical ESG reports: cognitive and linguistic operations framing environmental issues. CLAVIER 2023, Framing Nature: Discourses of Nature and of the Environment, Milano, 22-24 novembre 2023.

Mocini, M. & Incelli, E. Opacity and transparency: focusing on disclosure practices used by pharmaceutical companies for effective release of information. ABC Regional Conference “Re-thinking and Re-mediating Business Communication: Continuity and Evolution”, Naples, Italy, 12 – 14 January 2023.

Mocini, R. & Fenice, A. The ‘Transparency Effect’ in Pharmaceutical ESG Reports.  PRIN2020TJTA55: State-of-the-art and future developments , Cagliari, 9 giugno 2023.

Nocella, J. J. & Zaupa, F. Transparency and the environment: A contrastive case study of car-hiring and rail companies. CLAVIER 2023, Framing Nature: Discourses of Nature and of the Environment, Milano, 22-24 novembre 2023.

Nocella, J. J. Building and communicating transparency in transportation: milestones and results in rail, air, and maritime sectors.  PRIN2020TJTA55: State-of-the-art and future developments , Cagliari, 9 giugno 2023.

Nocella, J. J. Transparency and the environment in the rail sector: A comparative case study of the UK and  Italy  (Panel: Business Communication and the Digital World at the Intersection), 31st AIA Conference, Future Horizons: New Beginnings in English Studies, Rende, 13-16 September 2023.

Piga, A. Meaning Construction in framing Environmental Discourse: A Cognitive Linguistic Perspective. CLAVIER 2023, Framing Nature: Discourses of Nature and of the Environment, Milano, 22-24 novembre 2023.

Piotti, S. & Cucchi, C. Environmental concerns on Instagram posts across fashion market sectors. CLAVIER 2023, Framing Nature: Discourses of Nature and of the Environment, Milano, 22-24 novembre 2023.

Pizziconi, S. Building the ethos of the environmentally-friendly innovator in the fashion industry: The case of the Japanese Toray Industries. CLAVIER 2023, Framing Nature: Discourses of Nature and of the Environment, Milano, 22-24 novembre 2023.

Poppi, F. Airlines’ emission disclosures: the fine line between opportunity and environmental inaction. ABC Regional Conference “Re-thinking and Re-mediating Business Communication: Continuity and Evolution”, Naples, Italy, 12 – 14 January 2023.

Poppi, F. Framing sustainability in CEO’s letters: informativity vs accessibility. CLAVIER 2023, Framing Nature: Discourses of Nature and of the Environment, Milano, 22-24 novembre 2023.

Poppi, F. Will the pandemic crisis disrupt the long road to diversity and inclusion? A small-scale case study. Languaging Diversity Conference (LD2023) “Languaging identities in changing times: Challenges and opportunities”, Turin, Italy, 14 -16 December 2023.

Sezzi, A. “Entertainment” for children: Knowledge dissemination, sustainability, identity, and diversity in railway company’s online educational resources. Languaging Diversity Conference (LD2023) “Languaging identities in changing times: Challenges and opportunities”, Turin, Italy, 14 -16 December 2023.

Zaupa, F. (Un)transparently communicating equality, diversity and inclusion in the car transportation sector. Languaging Diversity Conference (LD2023) “Languaging identities in changing times: Challenges and opportunities”, Turin, Italy, 14 -16 December 2023.

Zaupa, F. Accessibility and transparency in corporate communication. A cross-cultural corpus-informed and genre-based analysis of accessibility sections from the field of transport (Panel: Business Communication and the Digital World at the Intersection), 31st AIA Conference, Future Horizons: New Beginnings in English Studies, Rende, 13-16 September 2023.

Zaupa, F. Building and communicating transparency in the transportation sector: preliminary insights into the sectors of car sharing, car hiring and undergrounds.  PRIN2020TJTA55: State-of-the-art and future developments , Cagliari, 9 giugno 2023.


Bondi, M. Transparency, vague language and trust management in CSR communication: the case of transport. Kick-off Meeting – Communicating transparency: New trends in English-language corporate and institutional disclosure practices in intercultural settings (PRIN 2020TJTA55), Pisa, 23 settembre 2022

Crawford Camiciottoli, B., Costanza Cucchi, C. & Piotti, S. Transparency in the fashion sector: Research aims, key issues, data sources. Kick-off Meeting – Communicating transparency: New trends in English-language corporate and institutional disclosure practices in intercultural settings (PRIN 2020TJTA55), Pisa, 23 settembre 2022

Denti, O. & Fois, E. Transparency and communication strategies in the energy sector. Kick-off Meeting – Communicating transparency: New trends in English-language corporate and institutional disclosure practices in intercultural settings (PRIN 2020TJTA55), Pisa, 23 settembre 2022

Facchinetti, R. Transparency in (supra)national institutional spoken communicative events aimed at the general public. Kick-off Meeting – Communicating transparency: New trends in English-language corporate and institutional disclosure practices in intercultural settings (PRIN 2020TJTA55), Pisa, 23 settembre 2022

Mocini, R. & Incelli, E. “Transparency effect” in disclosure practices of pharmaceutical companies. Kick-off Meeting – Communicating transparency: New trends in English-language corporate and institutional disclosure practices in intercultural settings (PRIN 2020TJTA55), Pisa, 23 settembre 2022

Nocella, J. & Di Cristofaro, M. Academic and Professional Communication (CAP) corpora. “Maratona DH”, Modena, Italy, 12 October 2022.